Trains Between Hanoi and Da Nang

Written by Fabio Updated Jan. 12, 2025

There are three ways of getting from Hanoi to Da Nang: flight, bus or train.

The train is worth trying, not only because it is safe and comfortable,but also because the scenery along the way is stunningly magnificent and cannot be viewed if you travel by plane or bus. What’s more, the train is a good way of experiencing local customs.

Hanoi–Da Nang Railway

  • Distance: 764 kilometers (475 miles)
  • Trains from Hanoi to Da Nang: SE1, SE3, SE5, SE7, SE9, SE11, SE17, SE19
  • Trains from Da Nang to Hanoi: SE8, SE6, SE12, SE10, SE4, SE2, SE18, SE20
  • Main stops: Hanoi, Nih Binh, Thanh Hoa, Vinh, Yen Trung, Huong Pho, Dong Hoi, Dong Ha, Hue, Da Nang
  • Duration of journey: approximately 16 hours

Hanoi to Da Nang Train Schedules

Train Number Departs from Hanoi Arrives in Da Nang Ticket Prices
SE7 06:00 22:21 Soft sleeper: VND 1,108,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,013,000
Soft seat: VND 707,000
Hard seat: VND 585,000
SE11 08:00 01:35 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,075,000
Hard sleeper: VND 983,000
Soft seat: VND 703,000
Hard seat: VND 458,000
SE5 09:00 01:06 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,082,000
Hard sleeper: VND 989,000
Soft seat: VND 960,000
SE9 14:30 07:35 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,053, 000
Hard sleeper: VND 963,000
Soft seat: VND 696,000
Hard seat: VND 453,000
SE3 19:30 11:08 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,167,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,112,000
Soft seat: VND 777,000
SE19 20:10 12:20 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1016,000
Hard sleeper: VND871,000
Soft seat: VND 585,000
SE17 20:45 13:00 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 934,000
Hard sleeper: VND 830,000
Soft seat: VND 557,000
SE1 22:20 13:26 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,226,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,121,000
Soft seat: VND 758,000

Da Nang to Hanoi Train Schedules

Train Number Departs from Da Nang Arrives in Hanoi Ticket Prices
SE10 10:03 03:55 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,088,000
Hard sleeper: VND 963,000
Soft seat: VND 696,000
Hard seat: VND 453,000
SE4 12:45 04:50 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,217,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,112,000
Soft seat: VND 777,000
SE2 13:53 05:30 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,226,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,084,000
Soft seat: VND 758,000
SE18 14:40 08:28 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,133,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,006,000
Soft seat: VND 667,000
SE20 18:45 11:55 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,133,000
Hard sleeper: VND 1,006,000
Soft seat: VND 667,000
SE8 23:04 15:30 the next day Soft sleeper: VND 1,046,000
Hard sleeper: VND 956,000
Soft seat: VND 677,000
Hard seat: VND 518,000
SE6 02:23 19:12 Soft sleeper: VND 1,006,000
Hard sleeper: VND 920,000
Soft seat: VND 605,000
SE12 03:03 21:12 Soft sleeper: VND 1,075,000
Hard sleeper: VND 983,000
Soft seat: VND 693,000
Hard seat: VND 458,000

Hue to Da Nang Trains

  • Distance: 106 kilometers (66 miles)
  • Main stops: Hue, Da Nang
  • Duration of journey: approximately 3 hours

You can’t miss a train trip from Hue to Da Nang. The meter gauge train experience and splendid landscape through the windows will constitute one of your highlights in this country.

The Hue to Da Nang line is a section of Hanoi to Da Nang railway, as well as a section of the North-South line from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). The Hue to Da Nang section is renowned as one of the most beautiful lines in Vietnam, even in the world. Several “S” turns along the coast offer perfect opportunities for photography.

The train passes through the world-famous Hai Van Mountains and Linggu Bay. You are recommended to choose daytime trains, so you don’t miss the views.

Hue to Da Nang Train Schedule

Train Number Departs from Hue Arrives in Da Nang
SE21 07:00 09:40
SE3 08:37 11:08
SE19 09:31 12:20
SE17 10:13 13:00
SE1 10:59 13:26
SE7 19:51 22:21
SE11 22:08 01:35 the next day
SE5 22:28 01:06 the next day
SE9 04:55 07:35
NH1 17:10 19:51

Da Nang to Hue Train Schedule

Train Number Departs from Da Nang Arrives in Hue
SE22 06:30 10:10
SE10 10:03 12:58
SE4 12:45 15:26
SE2 13:53 16:19
SE18 14:40 17:08
SE20 18:45 21:24
SE8 23:04 01:34 the next day
SE6 02:23 04:52
SE12 03:03 05:55
NH2 19:53 23:00

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