Trains to Shanghai
China Train Ticket Service
The first railway section in Shanghai was built by a British company in 1877. The 104-kilometer-long railway network connected Shanghai and Nanjing. Nowadays, thousands of office workers commute between Shanghai and Nanjing by taking an intercity train steaming on this railway section.
Trains to Shanghai from Beijing
There are around 44 high-speed trains that depart from Beijing for every day. The earliest one departs at 6:20, and the last one departs at 21:21. The fastest one is G19, whose transportation time from Beijing to Shanghai is only 4 hours and 28 minutes. The price for a second class seat’s price is from US$71.8 (498 CNY), from US$120.7 (837 CNY) for First Class, and from US$252.1 (1,748 CNY) for Business Class. Read more about Shanghai – Beijing Trains.
Schedule for Major Beijing to Shanghai Trains
Train Schedule last updated: Sep.19, 2023
Train Number |
Times (Departure-Arrival) |
Duration |
Stations |
G103 |
06:20-11:58 |
5h38m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G109 |
07:45-13:48 |
6h3m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G5 |
09:00-13:37 |
4h37m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G139 |
13:04-19:06 |
6h2m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G19 |
16:00-20:28 |
4h28m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G161 |
17:33-23:32 |
5h59m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G23 |
18:00-22:43 |
4h43m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Station |
D705 |
21:21-09:27 |
12h6m |
Beijing South-Shanghai Station |
Trains to Shanghai from Nanjing and Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
There are around 229 high-speed trains depart from Nanjing for Shanghai every day. The earliest one departs at 4:58, and the last one departs at 22:40. The fastest one is G1719, which takes only 1 hour and 1 minute to reach Shanghai from Nanjing. And the average time needed is 1 hour and 45 minutes. The price for a second class seat’s price is from US$8.1 (56 CNY), from US$31.4 (219 CNY) for First Class, and from US$61.4 (428 CNY) for Business Class.
Suzhou and Nanjing are both located in Jiangsu Province, and many high-speed trains from Nanjing to Shanghai go past Suzhou. Compared to Nanjing, the distance between Suzhou and Shanghai is much shorter. A high-speed train takes only around half an hour to reach Shanghai from Suzhou. G7247, the fastest one, only takes 21 minutes. The price for a second class seat’s price is from US$2.3 (16 CNY), from US$7.8 (54.5 CNY) for First Class, and from US$17 (118 CNY) for Business Class.
Schedule for Major Nanjing to Shanghai Trains
Train Schedule last updated: Sep.19, 2023
Train Number |
Times (Departure-Arrival) |
Duration |
Stations |
D701 |
04:58-07:25 |
2h27m |
Nanjing Station-Shanghai Station |
G7043 |
07:09-09:36 |
2h27m |
Nanjing South-Shanghai Station |
G7175 |
09:10-10:13 |
1h3m |
Nanjing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G1719 |
10:29-11:30 |
1h1m |
Nanjing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G7575 |
12:12-14:15 |
2h3m |
Nanjing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G229 |
15:00-16:10 |
1h10m |
Nanjing South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G7065 |
18:09-20:14 |
2h5m |
Nanjing Station-Shanghai Station |
Schedule for Major Suzhou to Shanghai Trains
Train Schedule last updated: Sep.19, 2023
Train Number |
Time (Departure-Arrival) |
Duration |
Stations |
G7203 |
06:52-07:25 |
33m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai Station |
G7043 |
08:46-09:36 |
50m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai Station |
G7007 |
11:14-11:46 |
32m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai Station |
G7575 |
13:40-14:15 |
35m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G7015 |
15:14-15:41 |
27m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai Station |
G7247 |
19:31-19:52 |
21m |
Suzhou Industrial Park-Shanghai West |
G7027 |
21:20-21:42 |
22m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai West |
G7167 |
22:55-23:20 |
25m |
Suzhou Station-Shanghai Hongqiao |
Read more about Shanghai – Suzhou Trains
Trains to Shanghai from Hangzhou
There are around 173 high-speed trains depart from Hangzhou for Shanghai every day. The earliest one departs at 6:10, and the last one departs at 22:32. There are 10 trains that only need only 45 minutes to transfer to Shanghai from Hangzhou. They share the reputation of the “fastest Hangzhou to Shanghai trains”. The price for a second class seat’s price is from US$10.5 (73 CNY), from US$16.8 (117 CNY) for First Class, and from US$31.5 (219.5 CNY) for Business Class.
Schedule for Major Hangzhou to Shanghai Trains
Train Schedule last updated: Sep.19, 2023
Train Number |
Times |
Duration |
Stations |
G7358 |
06:10-07:07 |
57m |
Hangzhou Station-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G7502 |
08:00-09:29 |
1h29m |
Hangzhou South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G7506 |
09:53-10:38 |
45m |
Hangzhou East-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G1342 |
11:12-12:13 |
1h1m |
Hangzhou East-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G818 |
14:02-14:48 |
46m |
Hangzhou East-Shanghai Hongqiao |
D3136 |
16:40-17:42 |
1h2m |
Hangzhou East-Shanghai Hongqiao |
D772 |
21:30-23:21 |
1h51m |
Hangzhou South-Shanghai South |
Read more about Shanghai – Hangzhou Trains.
Trains to Shanghai from Guangzhou
There are only 3 trains departs from Guangzhou to Shanghai every day. It takes between 7 and 8 hours to go to Shanghai by train from Guangzhou. Although the transportation time is very long, passengers do not need to spend a night on train. The price for a second class seat’s price is from US$113.8 (793 CNY), from US$187 (1302.5 CNY) for First Class, and from US$358 (2492.5 CNY) for Business Class.
Please there are also 3 overnight train from Guangzhou to Beijing - D933, D937, and D943. They do not operate every day. Please feel free to contact us to check out they are available for booking on your planned traveling day.
Schedule for Major Guangzhou to Shanghai Trains
Train Schedule last updated: Sep.19, 2023
Train Number |
Times |
Duration |
Stations |
G818 |
08:00-14:48 |
6h48m |
Guangzhou South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G1302 |
13:22-21:51 |
8h29m |
Guangzhou South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
G1306 |
15:38-23:04 |
7h26m |
Guangzhou South-Shanghai Hongqiao |
How to Get to Railway Stations in Shanghai?
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